A green sea turtle is resting at SeaWorld’s animal rescue center after being found dehydrated Wednesday in the southern part of the San Diego Bay.
The National Marine Fisheries Service received the call about the male green sea turtle, which was stuck in about two feet of water at a saltwater evaporation pond, according to SeaWorld San Diego. The park said rescuers arrived shortly after the call and brought the 250-pound reptile to SeaWorld within the hour.

“It was estimated that the sea turtle had been stuck in hypersaline water for (a) few days and was exhibiting physical signs of severe dehydration — sunken eyes and a sunken body chamber near his shell,” a statement from SeaWorld said.
The park said specialists gave the turtle, estimated to be 40 to 50 years old, electrolyte fluids and vitamins to stabilize its condition.
According to SeaWorld, the species is threatened in the eastern Pacific Ocean.