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What started the violence between Israel and Hezbollah?

Host Tom Fudge speaks to Professors Ronald Bee and Farid Abdel-Nour about the eruption of violence between Israel and the Lebanese militia Hezbollah. Bee and Abdel-Nour speak about the origin of the

What started the violence between Israel and Hezbollah?

Host Tom Fudge speaks to Professors Ronald Bee and Farid Abdel-Nour about the eruption of violence between Israel and the Lebanese militia Hezbollah. Bee and Abdel-Nour speak about the origin of the violence, and give their thoughts on how the incident might play out.


  • Michael Provence , a Professor of Modern Middle Eastern History at UCSD, he's currently on a Fulbright scholarship in Beruit, Lebanon where he's teaching at the American University, his latest book is called The Great Syrian Revolt & the Rise of Arab Nationalism .
  • Ronald Bee . Director of Charles Hostler Institute on World Affairs at SDSU.
  • Farid Abdel-Nour . Professor of Political Science at San Diego State University. He specializes in political theory and Middle East politics.