Submit Your KPBS Arts Briefs
This is a unique opportunity to be featured on KPBS. Please follow the guidelines below to ensure that KPBS is able to deliver the best product possible for your organization.
Submission Deadlines:
- All Content is due 45 days prior to publication (i.e., October copy is due by Aug. 15).
2023 KPBS Arts Briefs Submission Guidance:
- Your organization’s Arts Briefs announcement on KPBS TV and FM will be broadcast without changes for an entire calendar month. The event/exhibit you’re featuring can begin during the month, but it must continue through the end of that month. Other options are to promote something taking place in the following month, or to feature an evergreen branding announcement about your organization.
- Please include a phonetic pronunciation of unusual or difficult-to-pronounce names and artistic terms. For example: Siro Cugusi (SEER-oh KOO-goo-see).
- FCC guidelines for public stations like KPBS do not permit us to broadcast qualitative language, pricing information or calls to action, such as “best,” “free,” “shop” or “visit us today.” Copy is written by KPBS using the description that you provide below. Please be precise and accurate.
- Revisions once promos are produced are not allowed if KPBS received erroneous information.
- Thank you for your participation in the Arts Briefs and for your support of KPBS!
Please use the following contact information for your specific questions.
- Museum Arts Briefs - San Diego Museum Council:
- Visual Arts Briefs - Claire Slattery:
- Technical or other questions: