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Deadly Patrols

Civilian deaths at the hands of U.S. Border Patrol agents are increasing even though illegal immigration and assaults against agents are down. This was the conclusion of a months-long investigation by nonprofit media organizations into incidents in three border states. Reporters identified at least 14 men and boys who have died since Oct. 1, 2009, after confrontations with Border Patrol agents. This special report illuminates serious questions about follow-up and accountability.
Part 1: The One Who Lived To Tell
  • KPBS Midday Edition
    About one and a half years ago, Jesus Castro Romo was trying to sneak into the United States through Arizona’s hilly backcountry when a Border Patrol agent on horseback spotted his group of about 12 travelers. They scattered. The agent zeroed in on Castro.
Part 2: Challenges to Prosecution
Behind the Scenes