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Faith & Spirituality

San Diego Invited To Learn About Islam During Open Mosque Day

SAN DIEGO (CNS) - People of all faiths are invited to visit and learn about Islam Sunday during the tenth annual Open Mosque Day.

Thousands of people are expected to learn about Islam and the diverse culture of Muslims during their visits to Southern California mosques, including Masjidul Taqwa at 2575 Imperial Ave. and the Islamic Center of San Diego at 7050 Eckstrom Ave.

"In the pervasive climate of Islamophobia and misunderstanding about Muslims, the Open Mosque Day aspires to enhance understanding and help build relationships that will foster mutual respect among fellow southern Californians," Islamic Shura Council Chairman Muzammil Siddiqi said.


During the Open Mosque Day events from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. , tours of Masjidul Taqwa and the Islamic Center of San Diego will be given, and officials will host presentation on Muslims and Islam. Ethnic cuisine will also be offered, officials said.