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Sanders signs city budget ahead of schedule

San Diego mayor Jerry Sanders signed the city's 2007 budget Wednesday, ahead of schedule. He made the most of the small amount earmarked for deferred maintenance by spreading a little asphalt on a Poi

San Diego mayor Jerry Sanders signed the city's 2007 budget Wednesday, ahead of schedule. He made the most of the small amount earmarked for deferred maintenance by spreading a little asphalt on a Point Loma street. KPBS reporter Alison St John has more.

The city's 2.6 billion dollar budget is finalized with remarkably little wrangling between the new strong mayor and the city council. The weak points in the budget are the small reserve fund and minimal money for deferred maintenance . But the Mayor put a positive spin on that too, announcing $10 million earmarked for street repairs. Sanders said the budget was a joint effort that stops the financial bleeding at city hall.

Sanders: "Let's get the budget signed, and then get on that asphalt spreader."


Mayor Sanders says the city will resurface 100 miles of streets in the coming year, compared to only 25 miles this year.

He briefly mentioned the problems that lie ahead of the city. Next year's budget must cover millions in pay raises already promised, and some yet to be negotiated. It will also have increased pension and medical liabilities, and all this while revenue growth is predicted to decline. Alison St John, KPBS News.