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Another Alternate Route Proposed for SDGE Powerlink Project

The California Public Utilities Commission has added another possible route for San Diego Gas and Electric's proposed Sunrise Powerlink. KPBS reporter Alan Ray has the story.

Another Alternate Route Proposed for SDGE Powerlink Project

The California Public Utilities Commission has added another possible route for San Diego Gas and Electric's proposed Sunrise Powerlink. KPBS reporter Alan Ray has the story.

In the beginning, the Powerlink was planned to run through Anza Borrego Desert State Park. State park officials and environmentalists objected. So, in March, the PUC settled on three alternatives -- each running through the Cleveland National Forest. Then national forest managers objected.


So the PUC is now considering yet another possible course for the 500 kilovolt power line. It would avoid all of the state park, and would touch the Cleveland National Forest in only a few short stretches. The Union Tribune reports that the Modified Route D Alternative -- as it's called in PUC documents -- would skirt the southern border of the federal land, north of towns like Campo, Potrero and Barrett Junction.

It would enter San Diego County on a line nearly parallel to Interstate 8, then turn south.

A decision on the final configuration of the $1.3 billion transmission line is expected next year.