A San Diego environmental group says voluntary water conservation is not working. San Diego Coastkeeper says the city needs to introduce mandatory water rationing. Joanne Faryon has more.
A recent poll says most people have never heard of the 20 gallon challenge. The San Diego County Water Authority's own website shows so far, only 200 people have signed up to voluntarily conserve water.
John Liarokos is with the County Water Authority .
Liarokos : As with any campaign it takes a while for the momentum to get going.
Bruce Reznik is with the environmental group, San Diego Coastkeeper . He says its time for mandatory measures.
Reznik : 90 percent of our water is imported and you have 200 people signed up. That equation doesn't work.
Reznik says mandatory limits on watering lawns would have a greater impact on water conservation. Meanwhile, San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders said it’s not time for water rationing because it could hurt the economy.