San Diego city geologists say today's rain could cause another landslide on Mount Soledad. A small slide last week made matters worse for homeowners affected by a major collapse last October. KPBS reporter Andrew Phelps has details.
Twenty-two homeowners are suing the city over the last two landslides. They say the city ignored leaky pipes and cracked sewer lines. And as the rain falls on San Diego, they say the city is not doing enough to prevent another landslide.
Fred Sainz in the mayor's office says people have to accept the risks of living on a mountainside.
Sainz: We do not believe that water contributed back in October that any city utility contributed to this landslide. This is simply a geological fact of life.
Sainz says city workers are installing tarps and pumping water out of the hillside. The homeowners say that's not enough. They want the city to repair the hillside and pay for the damage. That could cost tens of millions of dollars.
Andrew Phelps, KPBS News.