San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders warns city residents that the voluntary water conservation measures now in effect could become mandatory within a year. KPBS reporter Alison St John has more.
Sanders says water shortages could mean job losses down the line. San Diego is the first city in the county to declare a "Stage One Water Watch" which means voluntary water conservation.
Sanders : But we know that if we don’t have a good winter, that we’ll probably have to go to mandatory water conservation early next year.
The city has a new hotline - ( 619 ) 515 3500 - to report wasteful water use. Sanders says if it's your next door neighbor, there’s no need to turn them in.
Sanders : I’d encourage people to knock on their neighbor’s door and say, "your sprinkler’s broken," rather than calling the water department to do it! We’ll go out and do it, but neighbors need to talk to neighbors about these issues .
Sanders says well over half of water used in San Diego is on outdoor landscaping .
He says rate increases from the County Water Authority will have to be passed on to consumers, so expect water to cost more by early next year. He says the water reclamation project the city council has approved will cost 11 million dollars and that will have to be factored into the rate increase.
Alison St John KPBS news.
The water hotline is 515 3500