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The Third GOP Debate In 100 Words (And 3 Video Clips)

Marco Rubio, right, and Jeb Bush, argue a point during the CNBC Republican presidential debate at the University of Colorado, on Wednesday in Boulder, Colo.
Mark J. Terrill AP
Marco Rubio, right, and Jeb Bush, argue a point during the CNBC Republican presidential debate at the University of Colorado, on Wednesday in Boulder, Colo.

If you missed the third Republican presidential debate of the 2016 race Wednesday night, our friends at It's All Politics have wall-to-wall coverage. If you want a quickie, here's a 100-word recap — and video clip — of what happened:

The third GOP debate was a heavyweight match but with quick footwork and well-orchestrated jabs that were responded to with masterful cross-counters. The surprise? Trump wasn't the only one punching. Bush went after Rubio for missing Senate votes. Kasich said Trump's platform was "fantasy." In a recurring theme, Cruz attacked the media and the CNBC moderator. Carson, who's been rising in the polls, stayed above the fray. The candidates also staked out real positions: Cruz vowed to eliminate the IRS. Trump called gun-free zones "a catastrophe." Carson proposed a cut to all government subsidies. Here are the three must-watch bouts:

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