Honestly, this is a tougher debate than whether one is pro-choice or pro-life, since parents, children, and potential grandchildren would have to live with the outcome of an immensely significant decision. & I'm not sure I sit squarely 100 percent on either side of this discussion because it's easy to sympathize with both sides.
Ultimately, Proposition 4 asks voters to consider an idealized version of what parents wish for, namely, that their daughters would avoid undergoing a serious medical procedure, and ending a pregnancy, without their influence. & The thing is, wouldn't a girl who could openly talk to her parents about sexuality discuss being pregnant with them, absent the state's mandate?
What about the potential for abuse when a young woman informs her family she is pregnant? & Many families regularly use violence as a way to deal with conflict. & The increased risk of domestic violence already prevalent during pregnancy should raise warning flags that pregnancy, sexuality and mandatory reporting for underage children could create a volatile mix.
Those favoring passage of Prop 4 point out that notification will alert parents to child predators who have impregnated their daughters. That may be true. & But is that a significant portion of underage pregnancies?
It would absolutely break my heart knowing my daughter wouldn't talk to me if she became pregnant before adulthood. & At the same time, the state should not replace my responsibility to build a strong relationship with her before she needs me. & Proposition 4 appears to have the best interests of families at heart, but it ignores the vulnerability that pregnancy creates for young girls and women alike.