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Report Says High-Deductible Plans Cause Many To Delay Care

Report Says High-Deductible Plans Cause Many To Delay Care
A new report reveals many Californians with high-deductible health plans delay care because of cost concerns. Some of these policies have deductibles of $5,000 or more.

A new report reveals many Californians with high-deductible health plans delay care because of cost concerns. Some of these policies have deductibles of $5,000 or more.

The UCLA Center for Health Policy Research says three million Californians are enrolled in high-deductible plans. The center's report says one in five people with these policies delayed care because of high out-of-pocket expenses. Some of the plans have separate deductibles for medical care and drugs.

Researcher Dylan Roby wrote the report. He said consumers need to read the fine print.


"Simply because they see a $100 or $200 premium when they're signing up online or through their insurance broker, doesn't mean they're really going to be insured for all their health care needs," Roby pointed out.

A new health insurance exchange will cap deductibles at $2,000 for individuals and $4,000 for families. It will start in 2014.