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Suspected Poway Synagogue Shooter Used Hunting License To Buy AR-15 And More Local News

 August 2, 2019 at 3:00 AM PDT

Speaker 1: 00:00 It's Friday, August 2nd I'm Deb Welsh and you're listening to San Diego news matters from KPBS coming up, newly released search warrant materials. Give us a better idea of how the Poway synagogue shooting was planned and Oceanside, international film festivals, Managing Director Talks about the North County event and me coming on board a, I bring a little bit of music to it. That and more San Diego news stories right after the break. Thank you for joining us for San Diego News Matters. I'm Deb Welsh. Newly released search warrant materials relating to a shooting at a Poway synagogue are giving us a better idea of how the April attack was planned. KPBS reporter Matt Hoffman has been reading through the documents and has some new information, Speaker 2: 00:51 more than 300 pages of warrants. So the suspected shooter purchased an Ar 15 rifle at a local gun store, even though he was only 19 and California. That's too young to buy a rifle or a shotgun under a new state law. However, that law allows people under 21 to buy a gun if they have a hunting license and the search warrant. Say police found a hunting certificate in the suspect's home. The owner of San Diego guns where the shooter bought the rifle says the suspect in fact bought the firearm with a hunting license. Federal prosecutors say the gun was picked up just a day before the shooting. There are also indications that the suspect wanted to livestream his attack. A GoPro camera bought on Amazon was attached to a helmet found inside the suspect's car after the shooting. In addition, investigators found text messages referencing a mass shooting in New Zealand that also targeted a place of worship and the messages the suspect was upset that he could not watch a live stream of the New Zealand attack. Matt Hoffman KPBS News, Speaker 1: 01:44 the San Diego City Council on Thursday approved big development plans near mission bay. KPBS metro reporter Andrew Board says they're tied to the extension of the Blue Line trolley. Speaker 3: 01:56 The trolley extension is costing tax payers more than $2 billion and city planners want to make sure lots of people can live within walking distance of the stations. The plans cover eastern Pacific beach and a portion of Murena. Together they'll allow more than 9,000 new homes beyond current zoning rules and city councilman Chris Ward says they'll make the area better. Speaker 4: 02:18 It's going to allow us to have significant housing investments a right next to the transit area and I think that we are allowing some continued community opportunity engagement on a lot of the development and design specifics. Speaker 3: 02:31 An attempt by councilwoman Jenn Campbell to lower one of the plans. Height limits was shot down by her colleagues. Both plans ended up passing the council unanimously. Andrew Bowen, KPBS news Speaker 1: 02:42 law students studying for the California bar exam receive some unexpected information over the weekend. The essay topics for the test capital public radio, Scott Rod reports on how the closely guarded information got out just days before the exam. Speaker 3: 02:58 The state bar regulates in California and administers the notoriously difficult exam to become an attorney. Test topics are kept secret, but last week they were accidentally sent to a select group of law school deans. After discovering the mistake, the bar sent the information to all test takers. Speaker 5: 03:13 We had done that in the interest of fairness and to eliminate any potential risk that it would be a group advantage by the error Speaker 3: 03:22 state bar chairperson Jason Lee says, releasing information before the exam is highly unusual, but these are extraordinary circumstances. Lee says he doesn't think it creates an unfair advantage over students who previously took the exam, but the bar plans to monitor whether scores are unusually high and we'll review the results if necessary and outside firm has been hired to investigate how the essay topics got out in Sacramento. I'm Scott Rod, Speaker 1: 03:46 California Senator Kamala Harris has moved into the top tier of presidential candidates earlier this week. If the democratic debate in Detroit, she faced attacks from Vice President Joe Biden over her health care plan, capitol public radio's politifact reporter Chris Nichols. Fact checked part of their exchange. Speaker 3: 04:05 Biden claimed Harris has medicare for all plan would eliminate private insurance. Speaker 6: 04:11 You will lose your employer based insurance and in fact you know this is the single most important issue facing the public and to be very blunt and to be very straight forward, you can't beat president Trump with double talk on this plan. Speaker 1: 04:26 Your Response Center. Absolutely. Unfortunately, vice president bind you just simply inaccurate in what you're describing. Speaker 3: 04:31 Harris, his plan says it would not eliminate private insurance. Instead, employers would still have the option to provide a private plan as long as it meets Medicare standards the way private Medicare advantage plans meet those standards today. It's important to keep in mind all of these are plans and those often changed drastically. It's clear, however that Biden ignored at least the intent of Harris's healthcare plan in Sacramento. I'm Chris Nichols, Speaker 1: 05:02 the San Diego City Council on Thursday rejected a request to have a stretch of rose creek in Pacific beach designated as Parkland KPBS reporter John Carroll tells us why advocates say it's needed. Speaker 3: 05:15 The section of Rose Creek in question is between mission bay drive and the beginning of Mission Bay Park. The approximately half mile stretch is home to birds and other wildlife. The group friends of Rose Creek wanted the area designated as Parkland so the city would preserve and maintain it. Karen Zurich heads up the group. Speaker 1: 05:34 What this is for me, it's like expecting the people who live in mission beach to be solely responsible for maintaining the beach. Speaker 3: 05:41 Zurich says there's money for habitat restoration, trash removal, and repair of the adjacent bike path, but without the Parkland designation, there won't be any money to maintain the area. John Carroll k PBS news, Speaker 1: 05:55 San Diego man sentenced life in prison is now free. KPV S as Annika Colbert says, he's the first to be released under a voter approved amendment to California's three strikes law. In 2003 Kent Williams burglarized two homes in North Park and stole a car. A judge gave him 50 years to life in state prison siting California's three strikes law, but in 2012 voters amended the law to exclude nonviolent felony convictions. That change went into effect this past January. Here's district attorney Summer Stephan at a press briefing. Speaker 7: 06:30 After we completed the review, we believed Mr. Williams met the letter and the spirit of the law and that he was deserving of this relief. Speaker 1: 06:41 Williams was also there and he was relieved to have his case. Re-Sentenced Speaker 7: 06:45 relationships have been restored. I hadn't seen my daughter in 26 years. Speaker 1: 06:49 Williams will be on parole for a minimum of three years. And a coup Colbert KPBS news, the ocean side international film festival has been bringing unique screening experiences to north county for a decade. KPBS arts reporter Beth luck. Amando previews the festival with its managing director Lou Niles. Speaker 8: 07:08 Lou, you are returning to run the ocean side film festival. So what are any particular challenges you've had this year? Speaker 9: 07:17 Um, well it's always a challenge putting together the events, getting together with the filmmakers, seeing who you know, once, once have all been decided and the judges have chosen, uh, which films will be in the festival, uh, coordinating with who, who could be there, who, or what are some of the special events we can plan to kind of anchor a, the week of the festival. That's a lot of organizing. Yes. Speaker 8: 07:39 And I take it you've just had a confirmation that you are adding a one-on-one kind of session with Joanna Kasey. Speaker 9: 07:46 Yeah, so really excited and honored to have Joanna Cassidy, a star in legend of television and film. Uh, she's been, uh, she was a mainstay on six feet under for a long time. She, of course is as very famous as Zuora, the replicant and blade runner, the snake lady. And uh, recently on a, a pretty buzzing hit, a mini series on Amazon prime called the tool to die young. Speaker 8: 08:10 Now San Diego has a lot of film festivals. Um, we have Latino Film Festival, the Asian Film Festival. How does the ocean side film festival kind of distinguished itself? Or what kind of a personality would you say it has? Speaker 9: 08:22 Well, I think it's evolving. Uh, obviously with, um, me coming on board, uh, I bring a little bit of music to it. Um, Marconi youth last year and this year, uh, Mrs Henry's last waltz. Um, so I like to have that kind of flavor, but we try to keep some local, we try to keep some surf because of ocean side being right there on the coast and having a lot of surf culture. And we sprinkle in these different kind of edgy things, surf, skate, music. Um, and then of course all the, all the regular John was from animation, the whore to a drama documentary and romantic comedy and others. Speaker 1: 09:01 Now you mentioned surf. You are going to have a special program with Taylor steel and this is not just a screening of a film. So explain what people can expect from this. Speaker 9: 09:09 Right? It's a real, I'm really excited about this too. I'm a Taylor Steele is a, is a real legend in, in surf filmmaking. It's award-winning, uh, and extremely influential in the genre. He started off his career filming a lot of his footage there in North County, um, with local Surf Stars like Rob Machado and Jack Johnson, Taylor Knox. And those films were kind of Punky and had skits and costumes and weird themes to them. And then he suddenly, he evolved into this very international cinematic filmmaker and really influenced the genre of what we see today. You know, kind of an out of focus, a wave in the background and in Morocco or Iceland and things like that. And he came out with these amazing set of films. I like castles in the sky and sipping jet jet streams and the drifter about Rob Machado. Um, so, uh, it's amazing to have him come and he's going to hand select clips from his three decades of filmmaking and talk different stories about, you know, behind the scenes or tell something about a special clip. There's going to be really interesting to see what he has to say. Special guest, Taylor Knox and Kalani. Rob will be there as well to tell some stories. Speaker 1: 10:20 And another one of the films that you have that's a documentary is all about Tony Alva. Speaker 9: 10:25 Well, Tony Alva is a cultural icon. Sure, sure. He's a famous skater of firm, you know, if you're familiar with Dogtown or vans, uh, shoes, really brash and not everybody likes him, but he's had a full ride up and down and back again. Um, and he had a shop in Oceanside for about three years, lived in ocean side, uh, surfboards and skateboards, and, uh, vans is presenting the Tony Alvis stories kind of chronicles his life. Everybody is in this film. Uh, you know, from Tony Hawk to Henry Rollins is in the film talking about, um, what an icon Tony Alva is. So the films only shown once before at the Newport beach film festival. Uh, so we'd get to show it, uh, for the second time only publicly. Uh, the film is not going to be released until later in the winter. Uh, so we're really excited to have that film and, and have it only be the second opportunity for people to see it. The San Diego Premiere, Speaker 1: 11:21 the ocean side international film festival has a special preview event this Sunday with the world premier of Mrs. Henry presents the last walls and then kicks off in earnest on Wednesday at the Sunshine Brooks Theater on a hot summer night in 1969 while other troops were fighting in Vietnam, dozens of marines at one u s base were fighting each other. A riot at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina 50 years ago. This summer was the first in a string of major racial incidents in the military and it led to massive reforms in the way the armed forces dealt with race. J price of the American Home Front project has this look back Speaker 10: 12:00 for anyone who visits the calm orderly campus une today. The atmosphere back then sounds almost unimaginable. Here's an August, 1969 report from NBC News correspondent Robert Garages. Speaker 11: 12:13 The conflict on the face itself was reached to the point where even Vietnam veterans fear walking at night, especially over racial, a Mexico patrols have been set up to prevent further violence. Speaker 10: 12:22 Retired Massachusetts iron worker, Robert Gen, note who's white, was a young marine stationed at Camp Lazoon. Then he and friends had been at a bar on base watching the moon landing on TV. Speaker 12: 12:34 The four or five of us walking back from the list of Man's club and about 40 black marines came around the corner and all hell broke loose, so to speak. Speaker 10: 12:43 One of the men with him was badly beaten. Speaker 12: 12:46 He got knocked down and the liver stomped out of him. Speaker 10: 12:49 Half a dozen attacks took place that night as groups of rioters roamed the base. A 20 year old white corporal named Edward Bankston was beaten to death for years beforehand. Racial tension had been rising across the military. Black troops were no happier than their white counterparts at being drafted and also faced institutionalized racism in the military. Former drill Sergeant Willie Robertson of Clayton North Carolina says, Black Marines face demeaning treatment from white troops. Speaker 13: 13:17 He will call you. You wouldn't call your private rob. He might say, hey, split up. Come here and split up. You know, I'm like, who's Bleo? I had no idea what he was talking about. But uh, the gas from up north, you know, they knew what it was that he, what'd he say? They call it and you eat weird. Speaker 10: 13:32 Robertson was badly wounded in Vietnam and had been sent back to lagoon to recuperate. He was there when the rioting broke out, but didn't hear about it until later. It didn't surprise him given the tensions among black marines. Speaker 13: 13:45 Most of them was only age and most of the stuff happening shortly. Right after Martin, the king got killed. They just took it out on whites because it was a white man that killed one of the king Speaker 10: 13:54 history. Professor James West Hider of the University of Cincinnati. Claremont is the author of fighting on two fronts, a book on African American troops during the Vietnam War. He says, black troops everywhere we're on the same hair. Trigger Lagoon is really the first major racial gang fight in the military. After that, you see it in other places. West header says early in the war, African Americans often saw the military in a positive light as a place where they had a chance of a good career, but with younger draftees, less tolerant of racism that began to change. One of the turning points appears to be the assassination of Dr. King and their reaction of a lot of whites in Vietnam and throughout the u s military establishment helped exacerbate this. At Cameron Bay, whites made Klan uniforms and parade with a confederate flag when they heard the news, the lagoon riot caught military off guard. Speaker 10: 14:52 The services had been desegregated for years and West Heider says military leaders had no idea institutionalized racism remained a problem. If you look at the Department of the army's official report in 1968 they actually bragged that they had eliminated racism from the armed forces, so they did not assume that they were causing their own problem. Changes were slow, but eventually the Pentagon addressed racial disparities in the military justice system and a tackled another issue. The low number of black officers and senior enlisted leaders. The military also began to mandate race relations training and West Hider says it pressured career troops to fall in line with the new thinking. One thing about the armed forces, they can't change the way you think, but they certainly can change the way you act. And actually they did a pretty darn good job of it, but he notes that problems with white supremacists in the military have surfaced again in recent months, even half a century later, race relations in the military as in the civilian world, remain a work in progress. This is Jay price reporting. Speaker 1: 15:57 This story was produced by the American Home Front project, a public media collaboration that reports on American military life and veterans funding comes from the corporation for public broadcasting. 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The suspected Poway synagogue shooter used a hunting license to buy the AR-15 rifle used in the shooting from a local gun story. Also, a brush fire in Otay Mesa burns over 300 acres, a request for designate part of Rose Creek as parkland was rejected by the San Diego City Council.