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Democratic Gains; Donald Rumsfeld; Airport

It was a big week in U.S. politics. The Democrats siezed control of the House and Senate which was followed by the resignation of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. And voters decided which propo

Democratic Gains; Donald Rumsfeld; Airport

This week, the Democrats gained control of both houses of congress. What will that mean to the war in Iraq, immigration reform, and national healthcare?

Also, Donald Rumsfeld resigned from his post as Secretary of Defense following the election. How will his successor, Robert Gates, change the U.S. policy in Iraq?


The airport ballot measure, Proposition A, failed by a sizeable margin in Tuesday’s election. Does that effectively end the debate over building a new airport in Miramar? And will the passage of City Propositions B and C give Mayor Jerry Sanders the tools he needs to reform city hall?


  • Michael Smolens , politics editor for the San Diego Union-Tribune .
  • David Rolland , editor of San Diego CityBeat .
  • Scott Lewis , co-executive editor for