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Sunroad Backs Down, Agrees to Lower Building Height

Sunroad Enterprises appears to have blinked in the showdown with the City of San Diego. A lawyer for the developer tells the Union Tribune that Sunroad will reduce the height of 180 foot office tower

Sunroad Enterprises appears to have blinked in the showdown with the City of San Diego. A lawyer for the developer tells the Union Tribune that Sunroad will reduce the height of 180 foot office tower near Montgomery Field. He refused to commit to a reduction specifically to the 160 feet allowed by the FAA. He says Sunroad will re-engineer the building to a height approved by the FAA, and he says the details will be worked out with city officials.

The announcement comes five days after San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders issued a stop-work order on the construction of the office tower.

Sunroad has insisted for more than a  that it had a valid city permit for the construction...and that it was entitled to put up a building that exceeds FAA limits.


(Photo: Full Focus )