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Welcome to Citizen Voices

Alma Sove , Candace Suerstedt , Trina Boice , Chris McConnell . Back row: Charles Hartley , Steven Garrett They live here and there in San Diego from Chula Vista to Carlsbad. They are gay, straight, Latina, Jewish, Mormon and, uh, a surfer.

Over the next 11 months, they will embark on a journey that will end around the time they cast their vote for our country's next president. Along the way, they will hash over the upcoming mayoral and city attorney elections and expound on city propositions.

Some of our bloggers have set minds and some are undecided.


We invite you to join them (and us, here at KPBS) on their decision-making journey & ndash; not just on the local front but on what could possibly be the most emotional and historically significant presidential election in decades.

As their editor, I also ask you to join us in this social experiment of sorts. Can very different people (that includes you, dear reader) have a civilized discussion about politics? Can we learn from each other's different viewpoints?

The conversation begins today. Welcome to Citizen Voices.

- Nicole Lozare is the Citizen Voices blog editor and a Jacobs Fellow for Reporting Excellence .