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Trailer Tuesday: The House Of The Devil

Cult Fav Mary Woronov Stars in New Horror Film

House of the Dead Trailer

Since this is the month of Halloween I shall continue to highlight horror film trailers. Plus "The House of the Devil" features Mary Woronov and Tom Noonan, a pair of underappreciated but marvelous actors.

Woronov, who was part of Andy Warhol's Factory, once said, "I knew what was art and what was sh-t. But sometimes the sh-t was more interesting." Don't know yet which category her latest film, "The House of the Devil" falls into but it has the appealing look of an old 70s horror flick. The story concerns a college student who takes a babysitting job on the night of a full lunar eclipse. When she arrives, the creepy couple (Woronov and Noonan) reveal that they don't actually have any children. So begins a night of horrors as the girl realizes that her employers may want to use her in a satanic ritual. Early buzz from horror sites is good after it has played a number of festivals. It is scheduled for release on October 30. The trailer is courtesy of Magnet Releasing.