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San Diego Council To Consider Cab, Ambulance Contract Extensions

San Diego Council To Consider Cab, Ambulance Contract Extensions
The San Diego City Council looks at extending contracts with the groups that run taxis and ambulances.

While San Diego studies the effects of bringing the administration of taxicabs under the auspices of the city, the City Council is set to extend San Diego’s contract with the group that currently runs the cabs.

The San Diego Metropolitan Transit runs cabs and other for hire services for the city. Its contract will likely be renewed for another year, but it could be the last time that happens. That is because the city is engaged in a $100,000 study to see whether the cabs would be better run by the city.

Also up for a temporary extension is the city’s contract with private company Rural/ Metro, the company that operates ambulances in San Diego. There have been complaints about service and Mayor Bob Filner has suggested he wants to study them, as well.


If passed, both contracts will extend through next June. However, the council has indicated it will use the next year to explore alternatives.