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Fuel prices on downward trend

San Diego motorists are paying less for gasoline this week. The American Automobile Club of Southern California says fuel prices are down four cents a gallon since last Friday. KPBS Reporter Erik An

San Diego motorists are paying less for gasoline this week. The American Automobile Club of Southern California says fuel prices are down four cents a gallon since last Friday. KPBS Reporter Erik Anderson has details.

The average price for a gallon of gas in San Diego is down to $2.73. Auto Club spokesman Paul Gonzalez says it's typical for gas prices to fall this time of year because supplies generally go up and demand drops. He says prices have been coming down since they peaked above three dollars a gallon in September.

Gonzalez: "Motorists should see gasoline move lower on a steady basis. We can't really say exactly where, but don't be surprised if you see gasoline in San Diego county getting down in the low $2.60's tp $2.50's by Thanksgiving."


Gonzales says the gasoline market place is seeing fewer speculators. He says people who bought gas futures when prices were rising are dumping them now that prices are coming down.

Erik Anderson KPBS News