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CHP Sgt. is latest candidate to run for Cunningham's slot

The field of candidates running to replace former congressman Randy Cunningham is growing. An eighth Republican formally announced his candidacy for the 50th District Monday. KPBS reporter Alison St.

The field of candidates running to replace former congressman Randy Cunningham is growing. An eighth Republican formally announced his candidacy for the 50th District Monday. KPBS reporter Alison St. John has more.

Making political hay out of the corruption scandal that broke over former Congressman Cunningham, CHP Sergeant Jeff Newsome of Big Bear has joined the pack of millionaires and seasoned politicians running for the 50th District.

Newsome: "We're gonna make this race about honesty, we're gonna make that the driving principal. Put it this way if you want to take the Con out of Congress, vote for Jeff Newsome."


Immigration, and welfare reform are two of Newsome's issues. He supports extending the border fence, and proposes encouraging women on welfare to practice birth control.

Newsome is one of several candidates who live outside the District. The 50th congressional district stretches from Northern San Diego to Escondido. The election is April 11th. Alison St. John KPBS News.