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CA schools skimping on PE

California schools are skimping on PE. That's according to a new report that says more than half the public schools surveyed are not following state rules requiring that students get a minimum amount

California schools are skimping on PE. That's according to a new report that says more than half the public schools surveyed are not following state rules requiring that students get a minimum amount of exercise. Amanda Purcell with the nonprofit group California Center for Public Health Advocacy says kids need exercise.

Purcell: In the midst of the childhood obesity epidemic we don't feel like California can afford to rob children of the key opportunity for physical activity during the day. PE is a perfect opportunity for kids to be active and then for them to learn the skills and techniques needed to be active throughout their life.

She says lack of funding and teacher training may be a few reasons that schools are dropping the ball on P-E. California requires that children in the 1st through 6th grades complete an average of 20 minutes per day of physical activities.