San Diego city attorney Mike Aguirre released audio tapes Monday of key city pension board meetings in 1996 and 2002. He hopes to use the evidence in a court appearance next week, to argue that city pension benefit increases were illegally granted and should be rolled back. KPBS reporter Alison St John has more.
The tapes reveal the pension board members were clearly informed in 2002 that they would have to accept the manager's proposal to under fund the plan, in order for benefit increases to go into effect.
The following is from an audio tape of pension board administrator Larry Grissom. He tells the board that benefit increases have been agreed upon in labor negotiations but those increases depend on the board accepting the new funding plan.
Grissom: "The implementation of those -was made contingent upon this board's adopting the funding proposal."
Aguirre argues several of the board members stood to gain from the benefit increases tied to the under funding plan. The defendants say state law exempts them from conflict of interest in this case. Alison St John KPBS news.