Traffic deaths in California are down more than nine percent for 2006. The Highway Patrol says it's the biggest decrease in over a decade. From Sacramento, Marianne Russ reports.
CHP Officer Steve Day gets called to the very worst accidents. He's part of a special team that investigates how crashes happen -- and says he hopes the nine percent drop in traffic deaths last year is part of a new trend.
Day : I would love to be out of a job tomorrow, personally.
CHP Commissioner Mike Brown says this is the first time in several years there's been a decrease at all. He attributes it to more public education and enforcement efforts in three main areas.
Day : That's principally, folks, what kills people in this state: speed, not wearing a seatbelt, or driving under the influence.
Brown says they'll continue their efforts and hope to bring the numbers down even more. He adds the number of people buckling up has increased -- it's up to 93.4 percent overall -- and for the first time, is over 90 percent in teens. Marianne Russ, KPBS News.