California could become the first state to vote on whether the U.S. should withdraw from Iraq. From Sacramento, Marianne Russ explains.
Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata wants President Bush and the White House candidates to know where Californians stand on the war. That's why he wants to put a measure on the February ballot urging Bush to begin withdrawing from Iraq immediately. Voters would choose whether to support or oppose the idea. And Perata says he thinks the majority will support it:
Perata : And even though it's advisory, this is such a huge issue that if California takes a position, even President Bush will have to pay attention to it.
Perata is introducing a bill to start the process next week. Governor Schwarzenegger's signature would be required for the measure to make it to the ballot. In a statement, Senate Republican leader Dick Ackerman called it "inappropriate, ill-advised and wrong for the State of California to deliver this type of message to our troops, our allies and our enemies."