Immigration activists are urging people across California to miss work or skip school on Tuesday. San Diego school officials say campus police will be out in full force to prevent student walkouts. KPBS reporter Ana Tintocalis reports.
May 1st marks the first anniversary of the so-called Great American Boycott. On this day last year, hundreds of California high school students skipped school in support of immigrant rights. Boycott organizers are encouraging students to show that support again this year.
In San Diego, students at five high school schools may walk out or skip school. District spokesman Jack Brandis says the word is spreading online.
Brandis : There's websites, there's Myspace, there's all kinds of chatter going on about whether something is going to happen on May 1st. Our school police has been monitoring some things, we're going to have a heightened presence around on the first just in case something should happen.
San Diego and school police will arrest students who walk out for truancy or loitering. Last year about 10 percent of San Diego's students took part in the boycott.
Ana Tintocalis, KPBS News.