400k Nurses Join AFL-CIO to Back Push for Single-Payer Healthcare
The issue of health care reform is sending ripples through American politics and through the labor movement today. The 75,000 member California Nurses' Association and the 325,000-member National Nurses Organizing Committee announced today that they've joined the AFL-CIO.
The CNA's David Johnson says the issue that unites them is health care.
Johnson : We are in support of eliminating the insurance industry from the health care industry, and a single-payer system is the most effective way to do that. The AFL-CIO has gone on record in support of a single-payer plan. Which is why we're joining them to lend our voice to this national movement to try and change health care.
Johnson says the Massachusetts health reform plan and Governor Schwarzenegger's plan, -- which follows the Massachusetts model -- actually perpetuate existing problems, because they continue to rely on private insurance companies.