California AG Threatens to Sue EPA Over Strict Air Pollution Policy
California Attorney General Jerry Brown is threatening to sue the EPA for blocking California's tough automobile pollution plan. The state is leading the way on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Matt Laslo reports from Capitol Hill.
California is asking for a waiver from federal air quality regulations. It wants to cut vehicle emissions 30 percent by 2016. Once California adopts new standards, other states can follow.
At a hearing, Brown urged EPA officials to act quickly.
Brown : In ordinary politics they are talking about immigration and Iraq -- very serious -- but from a long term perspective, the threat of oil dependency and global climate disruption is much more threatening, much more difficult to deal with -- and we gotta get going.
11 states have said they want to follow the California standards. EPA officials have six months to make a final ruling.
From Capitol Hill, Matt Laslo, KPBS News.