San Diego's Attention to Citizen Watchdog Reports Questioned
(Photo: San Diego Hall of Justice, Josette Herdell/KPBS )
Alison St John (Guest Host): How often do you hear of a new grand jury report detailing something badly amiss with local government: the unacceptable conditions in the Las Colinas Jail, the misuse of tickets to the city's sky box at the football stadium, hopelessly inadequate care for the elderly? It's understandable that you might think, "Oh good…that grand jury report should lead to some changes." But how often do the reports get acted upon? Does the civil grand jury have any teeth?
- David Higgins, outgoing foreman of the 2006-07 San Diego County grand jury .
- J.F. (Jim) Kelly, Jr., foreman of the 1997-98 San Diego County grand jury, and past president and current member of the board of directors of the San Diego County Past grand jurors Association.
- Michael Aguirre, San Diego city attorney .