Tom Fudge: Tomorrow, baseball's all-time homerun king will appear in court to enter a plea in the government's criminal case against him. Barry Bonds broke Hank Aaron's record for career home runs this year. He was also charged with perjury for lying to a grand jury, investigating the use of performance enhancing drugs in baseball. If Bonds pleads not guilty and is convicted in a trial, he theoretically faces 30 years in prison. I say "theoretically" because legal experts believe the sentence is more likely to be in the neighborhood of two to three years.
The other interesting part of this story is that Bonds, who's played for the San Francisco Giants for many years, is a free agent. But would you sign a star ballplayer for big bucks when you know he could end up in jail?
- Mark Zeigler, sports writer and reporter for the San Diego Union-Tribune .