State officials are bracing for several days of intense storms – and they’re asking Californians to be ready, too. Marianne Russ reports.
Forecasters are predicting foul weather statewide: Heavy rain, possible flash flooding and high winds…even blizzard conditions in the Sierra. Governor Schwarzenegger’s Office of Emergency Services is opening up its emergency operations Center. Cal-Fire has swift water rescue teams on alert, and the Department of Water Resources says flood fighting supplies are ready to go. Frank McCarton with OES says residents need to be prepared, too:
McCarton: They need to have 72 hours of food and equipment –flashlights, emergency equipment that would be needed -try to stay away from candles of course, because those present another issue.
McCarton says there are big concerns about mud and debris runoff in the areas of southern California burned in the forest fires last year. His best advice to people this weekend: stay home.