Originally aired October 11, 2007.
Tom Fudge: Mike Sager is a journalist who lives in San Diego. And he happens to be one of the country's top magazine writers. Today, he's best known for his work that appears in Esquire magazine. He's written about everyone from Roseanne Barr to teenage car thieves in Newark to a working couple in San Diego trying to live with two children on $50,000 a year.
In other words, Mike's beat is people and their lives. He was inspired by the movement we used to call “new journalism,” in which writers like Tom Wolfe and Gay Talese did non-fiction reporting in a style that resembled fiction.
Mike Sager has a new book that is a collection of many recent stories. The book is called Revenge of the Doughnut Boys: True Stories of Lust, Fame, Survival and Multiple Personalities .
Mike Sager will be signing copies of his book tonight (Oct. 11) at the Whistle Stop Bar in South Park and Tuesday (Oct. 16) at Warwick’s bookstore in La Jolla.
- Mike Sager , journalist and writer for Esquire magazine. A new collection of his articles has just come out called Revenge of the Donut Boys: True Stories of Lust, Fame, Survival and Multiple Personalities .