Amy Adams as the formerly animated Giselle in Enchanted. (Disney)
Every time a admit to a personal bias, I get in trouble. But being a film critic does not mean that I go into every film with complete and utter objectively. That would be impossible. Just like everyone who goes to movies, I've got my own personal baggage that I carry around. But since I still believe honesty is the best policy I will confess to a general dislike of modern romantic movies. My idea of a good romance is Shaun of the Dead or The Matrix , or maybe a classic with Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn. Or something by Wong Kar Wai . But anything today that gets promoted as a romantic comedy and features oh-so-cute dimpled stars, makes me shudder in fear. I can't help it, it's just in my DNA. My dad let me watch King Kong and old Warner Brothers gangster movies when I was little and that has forever colored my taste in movies. So when Enchanted (coming out on DVD March 18) came out last year I was relieved when I couldn't fit a screening of the film in. But now it's out on DVD and I have no excuse not to see it.
Hungry Hank
from San Diego, CA
March 19, 2008 at 01:47 PM
We have a true difference of opinions here. I see what you're saying (because it's been typed, otherwise I'd rely on my audible sense). You're not a fan of sweet, cutesy films. I understand.
However, as an unabashed sap, I really enjoyed this film. Amy Adams is the sweetest thing since Splenda and I couldn't keep a dumb grin off my face for much of this film. I also enjoyed the animation because it was a send-up of so much Disney past and because it wasn't a CGI 3D extravaganza.
I will agree, however, that Dempsey is uber-bland and the weakest link in the chain (goodbye). Also, oddly enough I hadn't thought about Menzel not singing and since I'm a big Rent-head (and like Wicked too), I am now a bit peeved about it.
It does boil down to personal preference. If you want sweet and gooey, Enchanted fits the bill. If you like your films with more grit and/or edge to them, then steer clear.
Beth Accomando
March 19, 2008 at 03:53 PM
Well it's nice to know that there are "unabashed saps" out there.
Yes we will have to agree to disagree about this sweet and cuddly genre. I will concur, however, that Adams is a very good and highly appealing actress -- it's the role I have trouble with.
I read your review and I guess I fall into the category of jaded cynic (although I don't feel jaded) rather than being Dutch.