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Political Writer Joe Mathews Considers the Body Politic

What's this hand basket we're in and where is it going? That's the question a lot of people are asking in America today, as the war in Iraq wears on and the economy goes down the tubes. But where's al

Political Writer Joe Mathews Considers the Body Politic

Tom Fudge: What's this hand basket we're in and where is it going? That's what people are asking in America today as the war in Iraq wears on and the economy goes down the tubes. But where's that audacity of hope?

I guess we an always be a little bit hopeful in an election year, provided voters actually vote and politicians take some chances. Joe Mathews covered politics for many years for the Los Angeles Times . Most recently he's covered the presidential race, and he just got back from Pennsylvania, where Barack and Hillary are trying to win over rust-belt Democrats.


Joe has covered presidential politics and state politics. He wrote a book about Arnold Schwarzenegger called The People's Machine .

Joe will appear at the Solana Beach Library tonight April 15, at 6:30 p.m. to talk about "Election 2008 primaries, California politics, and the 'direct democracy process.'"
