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Mingei Features Everyday Objects of India

The Mingei International Museum's new exhibit: "India Adorned" features the everyday objects of Indian life. We'll talk about Indian tradition and culture and how modern life is tugging at the world'

Mingei Features Everyday Objects of India

Alan Ray : It's the world's largest Democracy. It's the world's second most populous country. A fascinating place were people bathe in the rivers...where beggars stand along streets choked with motor cars and cattle carts.

India is a land where some things haven't changed for a thousand years. It's also a land where Americans travel for scientifically miraculous medical procedures at world class hospitals, and pay a fraction of what they'd pay at home.


At San Diego's Mingei International Museum this summer, there's a remarkable exhibit: "India Adorned."  It features every day objects of Indian life, and explores the tug of modern life on a culture that is thousands of years old.

The Mingei International Museum's new exhibit: "India Adorned" runs through April 19, 2009.


  • Rochelle Kessler , curator of  "India Adorned." She is an art historian with a specialty is India art and culture.
  • Stephen Huyler , art historian, cultural anthropologist, photographer and author of "Daughters of India." He's spent the last 37 years travelling in India.