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California's Water Fight is Symbolic of Conflicts Throughout the Globe

How can we ensure that there will be enough water for us in the future? As the global population continues to increase, the supply of fresh water continues to decrease. Host Tom Fudge speaks to Dr.

California's Water Fight is Symbolic of Conflicts Throughout the Globe

Audio posted in the afternoon.

Tom Fudge: Water is the key ingredient that makes life possible.  Here in the U.S. we take clean, plentiful water for granted. That's not the case in much of the rest of the world where fresh water can be hard to come by. That's to say nothing of clean drinkable water. Our planet's large population is putting a strain on fresh water supplies. It's made worse by the threat of climate change and the many impracticle ways we use water.


A new film documentary, called Flow , is opening in theaters around the country. It tells a story of a coming global conflict over water supplies; a conflict that could result in war. One of the persons who narrates the story told in Flow is our guest during this part of These Days.

Dr. Barlow will be discussing the "Coming Fight for the Right to Water" at a lecture tonight at 6:30pm at the San Diego Natural History Museum.
