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A Trauma Doc Tells What We've Learned from Our Current Wars

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been valuable in at least one way. They've taught surgeons a lot about dealing with serious traumatic injuries. Dr. Michael Sise joins us to talk about a conferen

A Trauma Doc Tells What We've Learned from Our Current Wars

Tom Fudge:  America's War in Iraq has been controversial to say the least. But one positive thing has resulted from the very negative realities of death and injury in Iraq and Afghanistan. American physicians now know a lot more than they used to about treating traumatic injuries. Tomorrow, there'll be a conference in San Diego that focuses on the lessons of war that can benefit American ER's and Trauma centers. The conference is called From the Front Lines to the Home Front. The person who's brought the event together is Dr. Michael Sise.



Dr. Michael Sise, trauma medical Director at Scripps Mercy Hospital. He's a retired Navy Surgeon.