A story we ran earlier this week about God and beer by NPR's John Burnett got an overwhelming response on social media. In case you missed it, it was called "To Stave Off Decline, Churches Attract New Members With Beer." You can listen and read it here. (It was paired with another post on the same topic: 5 Things You Might Not Have Known About God And Beer.)
Many readers and listeners want to continue the discussion. And so do we. So on Friday, we're going to try something new here on The Salt.
Reporter John Burnett is going to lead a one-hour live chat with Philip Heinze of Church-in-a-Pub in Fort Worth, Texas, and Todd Fadel of Beer and Hymns in Portland, Ore. They are each trying to build a different kind of Christian community around craft beer.
We'll use a tool called ScribbleLive in the black box below. We need YOU to join the chat. Meet us here at 1 p.m. EST on Friday, Nov. 8, and log in to ScribbleLive.
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