The new Dreamworks/Universal Studios film "The Soloist" is inspired by the true story of journalist Steve Lopez (Robert Downey Jr.) and Nathaniel Anthony Ayers (Jamie Foxx), a former classical music prodigy Lopez finds playing the violin on the streets of L.A. Lopez tries to help the homeless and along the way they become friends. The transforming nature of music has also inspired Paramount (the studio releasing "The Soloist") and VH1 Save the Music to present a lunch hour event today, April 21 at the Organ Pavilion in Balboa Park in anticipation of the films April 24th release. Today's event offers music and art from noon to 1:00 pm with The Rob Thorsen Jazz Trio providing the music as artist Shay Davis creates a piece of art inspired by the concert. All are welcome and admission is free.
VH1 Save The Music Foundation is joining forces with DreamWorks and Universal Studios to host a national "musical word train" about the redemptive power of music inspired by "The Soloist."