Being a Stay-At-Home Dad Today
There are plenty of mommy support groups out there, but what resources are available for stay-at-home dads? We'll talk with three dads who all stay at home and raise their kids and gather weekly for playtime and a beer.
There are plenty of mommy support groups out there, but what resources are available for stay-at-home dads? We'll talk with three dads who all stay at home and raise their kids and gather weekly for playtime and a beer.
Mike Watson, is a stay at home dad, watching 1-year-old Michaela.
Andy McRory stays at home and cares for his 3 and a half year old son, Liam.
Lane Vance has a 2 and a half year old son named Zander and his wife is expecting another child in a few months.
If you are interested in joining this stay-at-home dads group, you can email Lane Vance at