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Community feedback sought about redevelopment project for Oceanside Transit Center

Oceanside residents are being asked for input on plans to redevelop the local transit station into a space for more than just transit. KPBS North County Reporter Tania Thorne says tonight people are invited to speak to the developers and the transit agency about what they’d like to see.

Oceanside residents are being asked for input on plans to redevelop the local transit station into a space for more than just transit.

Those plans include over 500 new apartments, a luxury boutique hotel, more parking and retail space, and a modernization of the train and bus systems that currently operate through the center.

Some neighbors are not pleased with the proposal. Jennifer McAhren rents a house next to the project site and said her housing could be in jeopardy because, for the right price, her landlords would consider selling.


"There’s a possibility that if they offered enough for this piece, it would be included in this right," she said.

"So if you hold out, eventually it's going to be like the 'Up' house," she said, referring to the Disney/Pixar movie where a retired man remains in his home even as skyscrapers are built around it. "Who's going to want to live next to this monstrosity?"  

Infrastructure is another concern for McAhren. She said as it is now, residents are already dealing with parking and traffic and can’t imagine how it’ll be improved with the addition of dense housing.

"There’s a lot of speeding around here as people rush around looking for parking spaces. And it's just hectic," she said.  

Although construction is still far off, North County Transit District (NCTD) and the property developers want to hear the community's concerns.


"The developer, Toll Brothers Apartment Living, has been very receptive to those comments and thinking through how the project can be improved to create a better gathering space and really meet the needs of the community," said Lillian Doherty, the director of planning and development with NCTD.

Residents are invited to speak to the developers and the transit agency at the Civic Center Community Rooms at 6:30 pm. Wednesday.

The next opportunity for the public to get more information on the project will be in the Summer when the environmental impact report is released.

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