California state lawmakers will hold a hearing in La Jolla on Friday to talk about the connection between climate change and national security.
The state Senate Select Committee on Climate Change and AB 32 Implementation will hear testimony on the strategic challenges of U.S. dependence on fossil fuels and security issues that may arise due to climate change.
One scenario indicates climate change could create extreme weather events causing severe damage to critical military bases and undermining national security.
State Senator Christine Kehoe said much of the U.S. oil supply comes from politically volatile countries.
"So we're asking military, the United States Marine Corps, the U.S. Navy, industry and others to come and address the committee on what can be done to move toward more energy independence," said Kehoe.
Retired Vice Admiral Dennis McGinn is one of several retired or active members of the military planning to testify.
Also planning to testify are the Commanding General Marine Corps Installations West,the Co Major General Anthony L. Jackson, and the Commander Navy Region Southwest, Rear Admiral William D. French.