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Pentagon Tries to Save Face After Body Part Scandal (Video)

The Pentagon is scrambling to reassure military families, and frankly a very disturbed nation, that mistakes made in handling the remains of fallen servicemembers won't happen again. The scandal arose after a year-long report by the Air Force Inspector General found grisly errors at the Dover Air Force Base mortuary - errors like, according to USA Today...

...evidence of missing body parts, fetal remains stored in cardboard boxes and a dead Marine's arm sawed off, without family consent, to fit his body into his uniform.

Three officials at Dover Air Force Base have been disciplined, but no one has been fired. And that's raised the ire of several lawmakers, who are calling for a Congressional investigation. The Washington Post reports Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee member, Senator Jon Tester of Montana, sent a letter to Air Force Secretary Michael Donley calling for a further probe:

“All civilians and service members who care for the remains of fallen American troops are charged with a sacred responsibility. Mourning families and loved ones, and indeed our entire nation, trust that this responsibility is carried out with the utmost respect and dignity. Sadly, it appears that sacred responsibility was abandoned, and that trust was broken on multiple occasions.”

The Pentagon Channel has more on efforts by the Defense Department to further investigate the Dover AFB morgue:
