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New Mosques Cropping Up In Chicago, Study Shows

Chicago's Makki Masjid.
Igor Studenkov/Flickr
Chicago's Makki Masjid.

Protests against new mosque construction have made headlines from New York City and Chicago to Los Angeles and Nashville.

But despite the push-back in some communities, one new academic study shows the number of mosques in the U.S. continues to grow — especially in the Chicago area.

New Mosques Cropping Up


It's not easy to build a mosque in America these days. Media executive Malik Ali saw this firsthand back in 2004, when he sought approval to build a mosque in his hometown near Chicago. At a raucous three-hour public hearing in Orland Park's Village Hall, Ali heard incendiary comments.

"And now the war has been brought to Orland Park," Michelle Pasciak said. "And Orland Park is facing a big injustice if this mosque goes through. You are bringing terrorism to our back doors where our children play."

You have to know the right people. You have to know the right channels of communication. And eventually, I think you need to be on the right path. And then you will get what you want.

In the end, Ali won the vote — all the votes, actually — and the Orland Park Prayer Center now overlooks a soybean field and a Catholic cemetery. It is one of 15 mosques built in the Chicago area in the past decade, and religion scholar Paul Numrich says just that fact may be bigger news than the zoning fights that make the headlines.

"I think this is the lesser-told story," he says. "The story we hear is the controversy."

On a sabbatical last year from his job teaching world religions at an Ohio seminary, Numrich got in his 2005 silver Chevy Malibu and racked up 2,500 miles driving around the Chicago area. He counted 91 mosques. A quarter of them were built as mosques — many of them proudly so — a rate that far exceeds the national average.


"What was really fascinating is, at times I was going down a street looking for an address, and out of the corner of my eye would see a mosque that was not on any list; it had opened up recently or had moved or something," Numrich says.

'You Have To Know The Right People'

It's demographics that drive this story. An estimated 400,000 Muslims live in the Chicago area, many in wealthier suburbs. But some observers see something else going on here: a lesson in good old Chicago politics.

Abdulgany Hamadeh is a pulmonologist who moved here from Syria 30 years ago. First a county board turned down his proposal for a mosque in suburban Willowbrook. But after a high-profile interfaith press conference, a meeting with the Chicago Tribune editorial board and some face-to-face schmoozing with county politicians, his revised plan got the votes.

"You have to know the right people," Hamadeh says. "You have to know the right channels of communication. And eventually, I think you need to be on the right path. And then you will get what you want."

It's a lesson the younger generation is quick to pick up on. In Chicago, the Muslim federation is recruiting young lawyers for a new "zoning task force." Back in Orland Park, 34-year-old attorney Mohammed Nofal is a member of his mosque's board of trustees. He also serves as a commissioner in neighboring Tinley Park and as the Muslim co-chairman of a local interfaith group. He says the mosques are assets to the community. He also argues that it was the specter of contentious mosque hearings that inspired many of his peers to get more involved.

"[It's] no different than how the young generation is taking the lead in the Muslim world and putting a new face on the Arab Muslim community," Nofal says. "And this is the start of that."

At least three mosques are currently seeking approval to build in suburban Chicago. As for Numrich, the next time he hits the road in his Chevy Malibu, he expects to find even more.

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