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For Literacy's Sake, Chula Vista Schools Are Hosting Parents, Too

More and more immigrant parents are learning alongside their kids in the Chula Vista School District. KPBS reporter Ana Tintocalis has more.

For Literacy's Sake, Chula Vista Schools Are Hosting Parents, Too

(Photo: Xochitl Rodriguez de Lopez reads with her with her 6ix-year-old son Francisco. Ana Tintocalis/KPBS.) More and more immigrant parents are learning alongside their kids in the Chula Vista School District. KPBS reporter Ana Tintocalis has more.

A handful of moms sit next to their kids in a small classroom. Together they're reading children's books in English and Spanish. It’s all part of a new $600,000 family literacy program at three Chula Vista schools. The goal is to help immigrant parents and their kids become literate in their native language, or in English.


Xochitl Rodriguez de Lopez is learning English with her six-year-old son, Francisco.

Rodriguez de Lopez says the program is helping everyone in her family. She's learning, Francisco is learning, and Francisco's little sister is learning, too.   

Most parents spend close to an hour with their kids in class, about four times a week.

Ana Tintocalis, KPBS News.