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Proposed bill to require more hospital inspections

A California lawmaker says hospitals aren't inspected enough, and wants to see facilities put under greater scrutiny. KPBS Reporter Kenny Goldberg has more.

A California lawmaker says hospitals aren't inspected enough, and wants to see facilities put under greater scrutiny. KPBS Reporter Kenny Goldberg has more.

Currently the state health department inspects hospitals once every three years.

Under a proposed bill from San Jose State Senator Elaine Alquist, hospitals would be inspected annually. And the results of those inspections and any investigations of medical errors would be posted online.


Senator Alquist says after all, prospective car buyers can check model safety records on the Internet.

Alquist: "There is nothing like that for hospitals. The Department of Health Services doesn't do anything like that, and I think every person in the public, has the right to know how safe their hospital is."

Hospital officials are withholding comment until they've had a chance to read the measure.

Kenny Goldberg, KPBS News.