A critically acclaimed documentary premieres in San Diego today. It highlights the challenges wrongly convicted people face once they're exonerated and get out of prison KPBS Reporter Amita Sharma has details.
The film, called "After Innocence," portrays the struggles of seven young men after spending time in prison for crimes they didn't commit. Even though they were later exonerated, the men continued to have a criminal record so finding jobs were difficult.
California Western Law School Professor Jan Stiglitz says re-establishing relationships is also tough for those who've spent several years behind bars.
Stiglitz: "They are potentially thrown back into a family situation they've not been involved in for a long time. They may have gone to prison when they had a two year old child and all of a sudden they have a 22 year old child."
Stiglitz is part of California Western's Innocence Project which has helped free five wrongly convicted people in the last three years.
Click here to read KPBS Film Critic Beth Accomando's review of After Innocence .