Monthly premiums aren't the only thing for seniors to consider when choosing one of the new Medicare prescription drug plans. A study from the Kaiser Family Foundation reveals wide variations in terms of what drugs are covered, and how much seniors have to pay to get them. KPBS Reporter Kenny Goldberg has more.
The study compared formularies and co-pays of more than one thousand Medicare prescription drug plans nationwide.
It found considerable differences in cost-sharing. For example, a senior could pay from 15 to 62 dollars for a supply of a popular blood pressure drug or from 15 to 100 dollars for an Alzheimer's Disease medication.
Trisha Neuman is with the Kaiser Family Foundation.
So there really are huge swings. And you know I'm not talking about some of the more esoteric drugs, I'm talking about the top ten brand name drugs that the Medicare population uses.
Neuman says plans also vary widely in terms of quantity restrictions on specific drugs and pre-authorization requirements. Kenny Goldberg, KPBS News.