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San Onofre reactor leaked radioactive water

Officials say a retired reactor at the San Onofre nuclear power plant has leaked several thousand gallons of radioactive water. But officials say the leak poses no threat to the public. They say water

Officials say a retired reactor at the San Onofre nuclear power plant has leaked several thousand gallons of radioactive water. But officials say the leak poses no threat to the public. They say water containing tritium has been leaking from the reactor. But officials don't know when the leak started or how long it's been going on.

High levels of tritium can cause cancer or birth defects. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission says tests show the leakage is lower than the maximum annual amount permitted for nuclear power plants.

San Onofre officials say they're investigating the origin of the tritium. Plant spokesman Ray Golden says if the tritium washes into the ocean, it would be diluted to levels safe for surfers, swimmers and marine life.