The Internet is often compared to the Wild West. But you remember all those old Western movies. At some point a sheriff comes to town and tames the bad hombres. In many ways, the sheriffs have arrived at the World Wide Web. And one thing that lawmen are confronting today is web-based libel.
Web logs are all over the Internet, producing all sorts of lively chat and crazy ideas. But what happens when a blog defames somebody and harms his or her reputation. Where does the slandered victim go for satisfaction and compensation. A legal analyst talks about libel on the Internet and other hot legal matters.
At 9:30 a.m. on October 19, a three-judge panel of the United States Court of Appeal will hear arguments in San Diego’s appeal from Judge Thompson’s May 3, 2006 ruling ordering the city to remove the cross from Mt. Soledad or face a daily $5,000 fine.
- Dan Eaton , These Days legal analyst.